Ph.D. in Prehistoric Archaeology (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and specialised in Dendro-Anthracology. She completed her technical and research skills at the Laboratory of Archaeobotany, Department of Prehistory (UAB), and extended her training in many national and international institutions.
She has reviewed the deforestation anthropic impact theories through new research lines from Prehistory to the Middle Ages with a special focus on Gender Archaeology. She relates the environmental resilience potential and forest exploitation over the centuries, unraveling the direct implications of cultural change.
Since 2017 she has been developing her research in many projects of the Department of Prehistory, Archaeology, Ancient History, Medieval History, and Historiographic Sciences and Techniques of the Universidad de Murcia, joining the ARHIS research group in 2021, highlighting her research in San Esteban Archaeological Site and Castillo de Lorca. Currently, she is the Research Support Technician in the Laboratory of Archaeology.